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Odessa R-VII

Middle School


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Daily Bulletin August 30, 2024

Today is a "B" Day


Lunch today is:

#1  -  Pepperoni Pizza 

#2  -  Nuggets w/ Fries

#3  - Popcorn Chicken Munchable w/ Italian Bread

Sides  -  salad, baby carrots, fresh fruit, chilled fruit & milk


Students are only allowed through the lunch line ONCE- they must get everything the first time, they cannot go through twice! 



  • Thursday 8/29 ELA iReady Testing
  • Thursday 8/29 Cheer Practice 3:20-5:00
  • Friday 8/30 ELA iReady Testing



OMS Honor Choir Students :

  • Rehearsals for fall events will begin Monday 8/26 and will be at 7:20am
    • All 6th Grade Honor Choir students report for rehearsal on Monday
    • All Altos report for rehearsal on Tuesday
    • All Sopranos & 6th Grade Girls report for rehearsal Wednesday
    • All Honor Choir Boys report for rehearsal on Thursday
  • If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Fry


OMS Football Cheer  - 

  • Practice will start on Wednesday 8/28  from 3:15-5:00.



Fellowship of Christian students will be on Friday mornings in Mrs. Snedeger's room (Rm 174). Students must be at school by 7:30 to attend the meetings. FCS will start this Friday, August 30th. If you have any questions please get in touch with Mrs. Snedeger or Mrs. Herrman. 




Attention Students - If you quacked open a good book this summer and completed the summer reading challenge, waddle on down with your reading logs by the library this week during passing time.  Ducks are being ordered and your names will be announced when they arrive.


Quack Open a Good Book reading logs for September are now available in the library.  Read outside of the school day for 20 minutes 4x per week and earn a new rubber duck for your collection and get your name added to the wall of fame.  Don't forget to duck-u-ment all the books you read on your ELA reading logs as well.  Lollapalooza is bussin, no cap.


Tabletop Games in the library.
6th Grade: Wednesdays
7th & 8th Grade: Thursdays
Come play Dungeons & Dragons, chess, Monopoly, Battleship, Uno, and more. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, there's something for everyone. 

Permission forms are available from the library or office. See you there!  



Spanish Club Announcement ??

Calling all students in grades 6-8! Join us every Tuesday in the library for Spanish Club. Learn the alphabet, colors, numbers, basic phrases, and much more in a fun and interactive way. Permission slips are available in the library or the office. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn a new language! 



Are you ready to transform your ideas into reality? Our Makerspace Club is the perfect place to exploe your passion for design, engineering, & technology. With like-minded students, you'll have the opportunity to: Build amazing projects, Lean new skills & Collaborate with others! 


7th and 8th Graders: 

We’re on the lookout for a spirited student to bring our school mascot to life at home games and upcoming events!

If you’re enthusiastic, energetic, and up for the fun challenge, we’d love to hear from you. Please grab an application in the office or see Mrs. Searles. All applications are due on Wednesday, September 4th! 




Brody Slusher

Cooper Bradley

Meriah Cenac